Project № 2015-3-BG01-KA347-022817 “DIALOGUES: EMPLOYMENT OF OUT-OF-WORK YOUNG WOMEN IN REGIONS OF HEAVY INDUSTRY”. The beneficiary is Association “Srednogorie Med Industrial Cluster”. The project is executed with the financial support of the Erasmus + programme of the European Union. Association “Srednogorie Med Industrial Cluster” takes full responsibility of the contents of the document. This document does not represent the official position of the European Commission and the State Agency under any circumstances.
The theme of the project is to compare the “agenda” of the interested parties – young women in the Srednogorie region – to the agenda of local and governmental policies regarding the wellbeing of youth. The aim is to find new horizons, ideas, instruments, and ways of tackling youth unemployment as well as accepting and applying effective and functioning youth policies.
Goals of the project:
Ӏ Put through ideas for efficient youth policy of social inclusion of young women, victims to the structural unemployment in the Srednogorie region.
Ӏ Raise awareness about the wasted potential of youth in the country.
Specific goals of the project:
Ӏ Organize structured dialogues in the target region that involves all interested parties.
Ӏ Run a campaign that formulates clear and specific propositions that aim to tackle the problem with the unemployment and social isolation of young women in the Sredngorie region and brings those propositions to the attention of authorities at local, regional and national level.
Target group:
The target group of the project are women at risk of social isolation, more specifically:
Ӏ at risk with respect to the employment opportunities in the Srednogorie region. These are young women between the ages of 15 and 18.
Ӏ out-of-work young women in the region between the ages of 18 and 30, who are victims of the structural unemployment due to the specifics of the local economy that mainly offers positions suitable for men.
Members of all interested parties responsible for establishing gender equality in the society such as public authorities, business, education and academia, and NGOs will participate in the project.
Two types of forums that are part of the campaign for proposing youth policies:
Ӏ “DIALOGUES WITH WIDE PARTICIPATIONS” OF ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: youth, large local enterprises in the region, members of public authorities, responsible for the execution of youth policies (municipalities, National Employment Agency, Ministry of Labor and Social Politics, Ministry of Education), NGOs and media.
Three two-day “dialogues with wide participation” will be organized in different municipalities in the region. These forums will present the position and ideas of the different interested parties, sum up the problems and prepare a common positions.
Ӏ ONE-DAY “BILATERAL DIALOGUES” between local authorities and active youth members who possess leadership skills and the potential to be agents of change.
There will be two such “bilateral dialogues” in the municipalities. Active representatives from different youth groups, chosen from the previous forums, will present in front of the decision makers at local level so that the propositions are integrated in the municipal policies and programs for development.
Period of execution: January 14, 2016 – January 13, 2017